Chris (43)

Business Developer with social anxiety.

Chris’ story

Chris has found it extremely difficult to have a talk to a group of people for several weeks. He also prefers to avoid lunch with colleagues and visits to customers.

Chris’ HR manager offers him to use Goalie and gives him a flyer about the Goalie service.

Chris needs the coach connection

After the video-call intake, Chris and the Goalie Coach decide to tackle the social anxiety symptoms at the source. Chris works with the coach on his confidence and lifestyle. By applying structure to his daily routine and by paying attention to his health he soon feels stronger. The next step is to face his fears.

Every time, a short evaluation is done via the chat or via a videoconference appointment. If Chris needs extra guidance, he sends a short chat message. Within a few -difficult, but effective- weeks, Chris feels his old self again. Thanks to Goalie and his Goalie Coach.

Stay on track


Connect with a personal coach

The fact that Chris himself determines the pace and the amount of interactions with his coach, helps to find a way that quickly gets Chris back on track. It makes our approach customer-driven and that is more than customer-oriented.

Ready to start?

Then visit our Goalie website for everything you need to know!

Or read here how Marjolein beat her depression


Let us optimize your quality of life!

Sense Health Lloydstraat 5 Rotterdam, The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 3030 600