Marinus shifts to a healthier routine.

Personal advice, based on his shift calendar!

Marinus’ story

Marinus likes his work, gets excellent payments for his irregular services and jokes around with his colleagues a lot.

So far the good news, because Marinus notices that he is tired due to the irregular nature of his work. At work, he often has times when he is not that sharp. He must be careful that this does not lead to accidents.

Marinus also sees the consequences: he has little energy left for the good things in life, like enjoying playtime with his kids and eating out with his wife.

Give Marinus the right information

Because Marinus is not the only one who experiences the negative consequences of irregular shifts, his employer offers him a workshop on a healthy lifestyle. This provides him with the first tools to work on more energy.

Make the impact lasting


Personal guidance

After the workshop Marinus gets access to ‘Brightr Shift’. This secures him with personalised messages on the right time, based on his schedule. Now Marinus can make instant healthy adjustments to his routine.

Have a look at our factsheet


Or just visit our dedicated Shiftwork website


Let us optimize your quality of life!

Sense Health Lloydstraat 5 Rotterdam, The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 3030 600